Deepen your understanding of the patient with the SONUP System !

Gain unprecedented insight into your patients’ hearing abilities with a series of innovative and complementary tests.

A new horizon awaits you.

Establish a complete hearing profile for your patient using groundbreaking tests.

  • Test your patients’ hearing abilities in both noise and silence, in free field and with headphones.
  • Combine tests according to your specific needs: speech audiometry tests, tonal tests… Reliable and complementary, many of the tests available are exclusive to the SONUP solution.
  • Complete your patient’s profile with the results of self-administered questionnaires, centralized in the patient record.
Réalisation dépistage auditif patient

Save time with the self-test mode.

  • Most of the tests available in the solution can be administered either with the assistance of an operator or as self-tests.


  • Specific standards and standard deviations have been established for each testing mode to ensure the reliability of results, regardless of the chosen method.


  • The patient test interface is available on tablets and has been designed to optimize the user experience: ergonomics, design, and integrated video tutorials.

Measure hearing aid benefit in noise with ease !

  • Free-field tests allow you to measure your patients’ hearing aid benefit in less than 5 minutes !


  • With just a few clicks, you can compare the effectiveness of different hearing aid configurations to speed up the follow-up and adjustment processes.


  • You can objectify the patient’s perception by providing rational data from the comparative measurements conducted.
Sonup acteur santé auditive

Differentiate yourself from the competition !

  • Innovate with new tests and practices.
  • Increase the reliability of your results by considering the activation times of noise reduction algorithms.
  • Meet the needs of international clients with the multilingual mode.
  • Integrate and share your data with healthcare professionals on the secure Socare platform to facilitate smooth multidisciplinary care coordination.
  • Customize the response interface to align with your company’s branding (option available under certain conditions).

Is convinced !

I want to open a no-obligation account and test the solution for free for one month.

A user-friendly testing platform with no installation required.

SONUP System complements the equipment already present in your laboratories:

  • No equipment purchase required: a digital audiology solution to use from your computer and tablet.
  • Adapts to the speaker configuration in the booths.
  • No on-site installation: setup and calibration can be done remotely in less than 30 minutes.

The + with SONUP.

Système normé et verrouillé pictogramme d'un bouclier bleu
Secure and certified.

Data stored on a certified server Health Data Hosting providers (HDS), with data processing compliant with GDPR.

With or without commitment.

To allow you to test the solution, we offer a monthly plan with no commitment. And when you’re convinced, switch to the annual subscription!

Technical support.

At SONUP, technical expertise is in-house: this ensures a high level of responsiveness if you encounter any technical issues.

Sign Up.

Start your FREE trial month without further delay !

Request a demo.

Enjoy a demonstration during a 30-minute video appointment.

A question ?

We respond as quickly as possible.
04 49 23 11 59

The steps for creating an account.

Témoignages :

Free Version

Starting from
0€HT *

no-obligation trial versiont

  • For 1 booth :
  • ✓ Hearing aid benefit measurement in noise
  • ✓Hearing aid benefit measurement in silence
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in noise
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in silence
  • ✓ Questionnaires : HHIES - THI - DHI
  • ✓ Comparison of your results
  • ✗ Technical support by phone

  • ✗ Self-administered test mode

  • ✗ More than 9 booths

Basic Version

Starting from
60€HT *

Discounted pricing based on quantity

  • For 1 to 9 booths. :
  • ✓ Hearing aid benefit measurement in noise
  • ✓Hearing aid benefit measurement in silence
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in noise
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in silence
  • ✓ Questionnaires : HHIES - THI - DHI
  • ✓ Comparaison de vos résultats
  • ✓ Comparison of your results
  • Technical support by phone
  • ✗ Self-administered test mode

  • ✗ More than 9 booths

Premium Version

Starting from
85€HT *

Discounted pricing based on quantity

  • For 1 to 9 booths. :
  • ✓ Hearing aid benefit measurement in noise
  • ✓Hearing aid benefit measurement in silence
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in noise
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in silence
  • ✓ Questionnaires : HHIES - THI - DHI
  • ✓ Comparison of your results
  • ✓ Technical support by phone
  • ✓ Assistance technique par téléphone
  • Self-administered test mode
  • ✗ More than 9 booths

Enterprise Version

Starting from
Upon request

Discounted pricing based on quantity

  • Starting from 10 booths :
  • ✓ Hearing aid benefit measurement in noise
  • ✓Hearing aid benefit measurement in silence
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in noise
  • ✓ Speech Audiometry in silence
  • ✓ Questionnaires : HHIES - THI - DHI
  • ✓ Comparison of your results
  • ✓ Technical support by phone
  • ✓ Self-administered test mode
  • More than 9 booths


Oui, ils ont été conçus par notre équipe d’audiologistes (Professeur ORL, Docteurs en neurosciences, audiologistes) à l’Université de Montpellier. Les tests sont systématiquement validés scientifiquement au travers d’études cliniques pour garantir des résultats fiables et reproductibles.

Publication Test SoTone Publication Test SoNoise

Plateforme d’information, de communication sécurisée et de téléexpertise, pour les professionnels de santé et leurs patients. Sa vocation : être facilitatrice dans la communication pluridisciplinaire entre professionnels de santé, structurer la pratique de la téléexpertise, et renforcer les réseaux de soin de proximité. Les résultats que vous mesurez grâce à la solution SONUP NouvelOffre sont centralisés dans la plateforme Socare, dont vous accédez à toutes les fonctionnalités sans coût supplémentaire.

Visiter le site Socare

Nous avons encore plus à offrir !

Une solution de test simple et fiable :

SONUP a créé son propre dispositif de test : une application sur tablette et un casque Bluetooth calibré individuellement.

Nos tests ont été conçus par des experts en audition (audioprothésistes, audiologistes, acousticien, Professeur ORL). Tous ont été normalisés et validés par des études cliniques, publiées dans les plus prestigieux journaux scientifiques, et garantissent à ce titre un haut niveau de fiabilité.

À votre niveau, vous disposez d’un espace personnalisé en ligne, pour visualiser les patients qui vous sont assignés et actualiser leur statut pour les suivre dans leur parcours de soin.

tablette-face-paysage-mockup-e4 (1)