Contacter un référent en audition :

Our solutions for ENT doctors !

Simplify speech-in-noise audiometry with an easy-to-use, fast, and reliable solution that you can connect to your audiometer.

Test auditif dans le bruit sur une tablette accompagner d'un casque

An ultra-lightweight, calibrated device that can be connected to your own equipment.

An app, a tablet, and a Bluetooth-connected headset, and that’s all you need! Our Bluetooth headsets are individually calibrated to control output levels. With both active and passive noise reduction, testing can be conducted outside of booths in a quiet environment.

The solution can be used independently for hearing assessments, or combined with your audiometers for diagnosis.

Standardized self-tests.

The test and interface are designed for administration either independently or with an operator. 

The solution also includes the THI test in addition to the speech test.

Réalisation dépistage auditif patient

A secure intranet space.

The device is connected to a professional intranet: all results are collected and archived in compliance with GDPR on a certified HDS server.

I want to know more !

Do you want to use the SONUP solution ?

A groundbreaking test.

SONUP has developed the ‘SoNoise’ test in noise:

  • Triplets of random words in a closed list ;
  • Synthetic female voice ;
  • Presentation mode designed to improve the detection of asymmetric hearing loss ;
  • The only French test capable of evaluating binaural functions ;
  • Usable and standardized from the age of 6.

Normative value of -17.5 dB RSB (± 1.5 dB). Sensitivity = 93%, Specificity = 100%, for determining an average hearing loss of 30 dB HL.


Reliable unique audiometric solution

No other application-based solution on the market allows to perfom speech-in-noise test aso quickly

Accessible at a low cost

No need to commit to huge equipment expenses. The solution has been designed to be very financially accessible.

Usable anywhere, anytime.

The device is simple and comprehensive. You can use it in a booth or in a quiet room, with or without an internet connection.

To better understand the patients

Offer an additional examination to your usual battery of tests to better understand your patients and address their concerns more effectively.

    Become a partner.

    Leave us your contact information to be contacted by the SONUP Partner Service.
    Picto localisation de couleur bleu

    SONUP – CAP Oméga

    Rdpt Benjamin Franklin
    34000 Montpellier

    Picto contact de couleur bleu


    09 86 25 75 09